AJ-2 Savage for FSX and FSX Steam Edition
The AJ Savage was the first U.S. bomber designed especially to carry the atomic bomb. It was North American's first attack bomber for the U.S. Navy designed shortly after the end of World War II. It was the largest twin-engine Heavy Attack aircraft on board the carriers of the time.
Inspect the illustrated User Manual for this product : Virtavia AJ-2 Savage User Manual.

Features :
Versions for FSX, FSX Steam Edition and P3D (WIP).
Bomber, refuelling tanker and photo reconaissance (AJ-2P) variants included.
Detailed virtual cockpit with gauges, controls and night lighting.
Bump-mapped 2048-pixel texture sets.
Very high quality native FSX models.
Accurately modelled and working catapult bridle and holdback assemblies (FSX Acceleration req'd).
Animated dorsal intake, crew doors, crew, tailhook, bomb bay doors, folding wings/tail and hose/drogue refuelling system.
Togglable realistic crew figures with accurate period flight gear.
Animated, featherable propeller blades.
Illustrated user manual in PDF format.
3-engine prop/jet soundset.
PhotoShop paintkit files provided.
Note - NO 2D panel is provided.