P6M-2 Seamaster for MSFS

About this aircraft ...
To meet a 1953 post-war US Navy requirement for a high-performance multirole flying-boat, the Glenn L Martin Company offered its very advanced Model 275 design. The first XP6M-1 prototype was flown on 14 July 1955, the second following on 18 May 1956, and Martin received orders for six pre-production YP6M-1 boats powered by Allison J71-A4 afterburning turbojets, each developing a maximum 13,000 lbs of thrust. Successful flight testing led to an order for 24 production P6M-2 aircraft, which differed primarily by having 17,000lbs of thrust from the newer non-afterburning Pratt & Whitney J75-P-2 turbojet engines. However, the contract was cancelled on 21 August 1959 after only three had been built and these, together with the YP6M-1s, were scrapped at a later date. They were the fastest flying-boats ever built !

Features :
- authentic blue/white livery plus fictional 'in service' gray/white VAH-1 livery
- water spray, splash, wake and smoke fx
- mobile, steerable Beaching Cradle with wheel/parking brakes
- PBR materials/textures used throughout
- Wwise turbojet sounds package and other unique cockpit sounds
- detailed cockpit with numerous animations and mousable controls
- crew boarding steps appear, crew entry door opens on engine shutdown
- togglable pilot figures
- glass rain effects
- aircraft steers on water normally using rudder input, no water rudder switch needed
- animated rotating bomb bay (uses ctrl-h tailhook function or cockpit switch)
- 9 x Mk52 aerial mines payload in bomb bay (not droppable)
- togglable modern NAV, COM, ADF radio set
- animated speedbrakes/hydroflaps (airborne functionality only)
- animated windshield wipers
- animated 'spray strips' on the nose
- animated retractable hull (landing/taxi) lights
- anchor lights on float ends, boarding light at crew entry
- fully VR compatible (pilot's yoke can be VR latched)
- authentic flight model with checklist
- 24-page illustrated User Operating Manual
- source texture files avaliable for livery artists
P6M-2 Seamaster for MSFS In-Game Screenshots