C-17 for X-Plane 9/10 (FREEWARE)
A high-wing, 4-engine, T-tailed military-transport aircraft, the multi-service C-17 can carry large equipment, supplies and troops directly to small airfields in harsh terrain anywhere in the world day or night. The massive, sturdy, long-haul aircraft tackles distance, destination and heavy, oversized payloads in unpredictable conditions. It has delivered cargo in every worldwide operation since the 1990s. NOTE : For XP9 and 10 ONLY, not compatibe with XP11.x.

Here's the first review of this great addon:
Review by XSIM.
Features -
- TWELVE paint scheme variants included :
- March AFRC - 55140
- McChord AMC - 10186
- McGuire AMC - 44130
- Mississippi ANG - 33113
- Hawaii ANG - 55147
- Royal Australian Air Force - A41-207
- Royal Air Force - ZZ171
- Royal Canadian Air Force - 177701
- Bare 'Primer', the pre-delivery scheme - 00172
- NATO, Papa AB, Hungary - 001
- Qatar Emiri AF, Al Udeid AB, Qatar - 80201
- Qatar Emiri AF, Al Udeid AB, Qatar - civilian scheme
- High quality 3D model
- High resolution glass EFIS panels, with double FSX resolution, 6 screens to choose from.
- Many custom animations including landing gear, thrust reversers, all doors, 2 position rear ramp, flaps, speed brakes.
- High quality animated, folding HUD with 3 de-clutter modes.
- Realistic handling including modelling of brown-flap high lift wings.
- Unique custom animated 3D menu for easy access to door animations, Fuel load, Payload
- Detailed and functional Autopilot panel.
- Detailed Standby Engine display with preset thrust level buttons.
- Functional FMS computer - Plugin enhanced systems for greater system functionality.
- Quality digital back-lit lighting night lighting - Cockpit floor lighting and cargo hold lighting
- Custom viewpoint buttons.
- Mission computers
- Detailed combination Nav/Com/ADF/Transponder radio.
- Flare deployment.
- Exterior lighting designed to get the best from HDR in X-Plane 10.
- Detailed startup procedure - - Custom warnings and caution panel.
- Unique drag-adjust trim gauges.
- Toggle hide control column and folding seat arms.
- Interactive cargo load dependent on weight.
- Cabin Pressure Panel, Windscreen wipers, Adjustable pedals, Functional fire extinguishers.
- Interior and exterior cockpit models to maximize frame rate.
- Exterior flood lighting - Exterior 'slime' lighting
- 12 liveries with bump maps
- 30 page user manual with full checklist.
- High quality custom sounds from the DreanEngine sound plugin, including engines, thrust reversers, hydraulic flap sound, pneumatic doors, hydraulic rear ramp, stick shaker, stall warning and more.